Sl No. Service Service Charge (Tk.)
1. Registration and specialist doctor visit (each time) 200
2. Admission 900
3. Normal beds free
5. Paying beds (per day) ac/postoperative ward-2/maliha ward/professor anwara fetal medicine ward 530/650/800/1000/1100/1200
6. Cabins (per day) Non-AC 1,800
7. Cabins (per day)-AC 2,300
8. Executive cabins (per day)-AC 3,500-4,500
1. Abdominal hysterectomy 16,800
2. Vaginal hysterectomy 18,500
3. Laparotomy (ectopic and others) 16,500.00 4 Laparoscopic ectopic 21,000
5. Laparoscopic surgery 21,000
6. Laparoscopic hernia 21,000
7. Diagnostic laparoscopy 14,500
8. Recanalization (jobpadhadhsharrudhrahrah) 21,000
9. Vaginoplasty (vaginoplasty) 17,000
10. Secrocolpopexy (jhadhapatparshadardabyu) 21,000
11. Myomectomy 21,000
12. Complete perineal tear repair OP 12,500
13. Perineal tear repair -2 OP 7,600
14. Perineal tear repair -1 OP 6,900
15. Barthlin cyst remove 11,000
16. Barthlin cyst marsupialization 10,000
17. Rupchard uterus repair 17,000
18. V.V.F. (free if poor patient) repair 23,000
19. Vardims 21,000
20. Fothergill operation 17,000
21. E&S/CM VA (under sedation) 6,000
22. D&C (incomplete abortion) 8,500
23. Saxon and evacuation (molar pregnancy) 10,000
24. D&C – diagnostic 7,500
25. Labial cyst removal 7,500
26. Retained placenta lift-OCH 5,500
27. Retained placenta lift IP 9,000
28. Barthlin abscess drainage 8,000
29. Secondary stitch (L/A)-OP 2,000
30. Secondary stitches (L/A) OP 6,500
31. Secondary stitch (G/A)-IP 4,500
32. Secondary stitches (G/A) – OP 7,500
33. Post Coital (church) tier-G/A 10,500
34. Cervical polypectomy-G/A 9,500
35. Cervical polypectomy-L/A 6,500
36. D&C polypectomy-G/A 9,000
37. Cervical cauterization-G/A 5,500
38. Cervical biopsy catheter G/A 7,500
39. Pelvic floor repair/cystocele rectocele G/A 9,000
40. Pelvic floor repair-G/A 9,000
41. Und hematoma/exporation-G/A 8,500
42. D&C biopsy-G/A 9,000
43. Cervical tear repair-L/A 8,000
44. Cervical tear repair-G/A 8,500
45. Gartnerduct cyst remove-G/A 7,500
46. Cervical dilatation-G/A 5,800
47. Kelis suchar (kabashshu’ng jhanthut)-G/A 9,000
48. Valbal warts 5,900
49. Cervical catheter 2,600
50. Urethral abscess drainage-GA/L A 5,900
51. Hematoma drainage-GA/ LA 6,900
52. Volt prolapse-G/A 9,700
53. Indoor consultation free
54. Admitted patients have free meals